Category Archives: Art?

Le Chef Ben Churchill bouscule les codes: le bon doit-il être obligatoirement beau?

Ca vous dérange, n’est-ce pas?

Black Brutal Project

When paint meets art?

The first ever animated tatoo

When art meets technology …

A QR code has been included and tatooed in a real tatoo. Placing a Smart Phone like an iPhone on the QR code will load a video from Youtube giving an animated human piece of art !
The tatoo has been executed by K.A.R.L. in Paris.

Sushi Trucks par Paramodel

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Is this real or virtual art?

Helmut Smits linked the real world to our digital environment by creating a dead pixels for Google Earth.
The idea is brillant … it’s all about control.

Is this x-art?

Hugh Turvey & Nick Veasey are well known and established artists using X-ray technology to create pure art.

Art attack ?

In April 2010, a group of cyclists dumped 13 gallons of paint on the road at Berlin’s busy Rosenthaler Platz, creating a series of colourful lines as cars drove through.
The various colours of paint were dumped onto the road in large puddles at different locations throughout the intersection. As traffic drove through, the paint was spread around creating lots of colourful lines. The whole action took only a few seconds: bikers had poured paint from big boxes in front of cars that waited for green lights. So the cars and their wheels, if the driver wanted it or not, became the brush tool for this guerilla public art piece.The creators of the project posted signs on post nearby explaining that the paint wasn’t harmful and would simply wash off with water.


So, is this art ?

Is this Rode’Art ?

Girogirotondo – Franco Losvizzero from celeste.prize on Vimeo.

Is this Cinderell’Art ?

Photo prise dans le Carré, à Liège, le 6 mars 2010 à 2h00, par une nuit pluvieuse…

Une Cendrillon liégeoise était visiblement pressée…

Is this skull art ?

Devenu chauve très jeune, Philip Levine n’a pas souhaité porter de perruque. Il a plutôt choisi d’utiliser son crâne comme une toile, le peignant et l’agrémentant de plusieurs objets, afin d’en faire un vrai support d’art.

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